Activity 4

1. Create a simple form with two input fields for the user to enter two numbers performs arithmetic operations on them. The form submits the data to a PHP script using GET method.


Create two number input fields so that the user can input the desired numbers

Pass the numbers given to the PHP script to perform the operations

// Check if both variables 'name' and 'age' parameters are set in the URL
if (isset($_GET['firstNum']) && isset($_GET['secondNum'])) {
$fnum = $_GET['firstNum'];
$snum = $_GET['secondNum'];

// Display
echo "

First number: $fnum
Second number: $snum";
echo "

The sum of $fnum and $snum is " . $fnum + $snum . "

echo "

The difference of $fnum and $snum is ". $fnum - $snum . "

echo "

The product of $fnum and $snum is ". $fnum * $snum . "

echo "

The quotient of $fnum and $snum is ". $fnum / $snum . "

} else {
echo "

No parameters in the inputs. Please enter parameters then submit



Link to demo

2. Create a simple form that allows to input a message and counts the number of words in it. The form submits a data to a PHP script using the GET method.


Create a textarea field so that the user can input a message. The message will then be passed to the PHP script.

//PHP script
if (isset($_GET['message']))
$message = $_GET['message'];
$wordCount = str_word_count($message);
echo "Message: " . $message . "<>";
echo "Word Count: " . $wordCount;
else{echo "Please enter your message and click submit to count the words in it.";}


Link to demo